

Conservation at The Riverside Project

Our work in the coppice helps with establishing habitats for Flora and Fauna.

The fresh cut coppice stools allow for fresh vigorous growth keeping them healthy whilst supplying material for hedging stakes, hurdle making, walking sticks, buttons, toggles and bean sticks.

The arisings provide material for dead hedging and woodchips for the footpaths. The dead hedges help provide protection to the coppice compartments whilst providing habitat for Wrens and many bugs. The freshly harvested compartments also provide areas for wild flowers to grow and natural regeneration to occur.

Our selective approach to thinning the coppice allows us to have different types of material available for us to work.

With the establishing of our new Lathe shelter over this coming season, we are aiming to start making Hay Rakes which have been listed on The Heritage Crafts Red Book endangered list. This will make us part of a special group which numbers less than ten in the country producing these in the UK.

Not only does our work help conserve and protect the environment we are also striving to keep traditional skills alive.

Get Involved

Come and take a look at some of our previous conservation projects


Spoon carving and Hedge Laying

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Well Being Activities

Enjoy a walk with Bella our Shetland Pony or try our Forest Bathing & Basket Weaving weekend.

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Let us show you around the site on one of our guided tours.

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Spoon carving and Hedge Laying

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Well Being Activities

Enjoy a walk with Bella our Shetland Pony or try our Forest Bathing & Basket Weaving weekend.

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Let us show you around the site on one of our guided tours.

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Help support The Riverside Project

Help support the various projects we are working on by becoming a friend of The Riverside project with annual membership or buy one of our courses.

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